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  • Intro to SOLIDWORKS


  • Mon, June 12, 2017
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • make717 Innovation Center


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Need to get started in 3D design but don't know where to start?  

In this 90 minute introductory level workshop you will learn the skills needed to bring your ideas to life using the 3D CAD modeling software SOLDWORKS 2017.

This course will cover:

  • Overview of software interface (Understanding the difference between part, assembly and drawing files)How to extrude 3D models from 2D sketches
  • How to add design features such as fillets, chamfers and more.
  • Creating assembly and drawing files from part files.

* Tools and features covered in this course can also be used to create design files for the 3D printers and laser cutter provided to maker members at the Make717 innovation lab.

You must be an activate Maker member or a Social Maker holding a library STEMPass to attend this event. You will not be given entry to the make717 Innovation Center without your Maker member door access card or the library STEMPass.

Instructor: Charity Freiberg (home accessories and furniture designer/developer)

Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

Copyright 2017 make717, Inc. All Rights Reserved 
Mailing Address: 848 E Main St, Suite 800 #1213, Ephrata, PA 17522
Makerspace Address:  1151 Clark Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 537-1067 info@make717.org

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