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  • Equipment Orientation: Carvey

Equipment Orientation: Carvey

  • Tue, May 08, 2018
  • 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
  • make717 Innovation Center
  • 2


Registration is closed

Member orientation for the Carvey by Inventables!

This machine features a 300W, 12,000 RPM spindle, a 8"x11.5"x 2.5" work area and is suitable for routing wood, wood products, a variety of plastics and other materials. It also features a cloud based operator interface, Easel where you can create your design and control the machine.

This is the basic orientation for anyone who wants to use the Carvey, and is required before taking any future advanced classes.

What is covered:

  • Carvey and its features
  • Creating your design in Easel or importing .svg or graphic images
  • Locating and mounting the work piece
  • Selecting and using the correct tool bit
  • Carving your design
  • What to do and not to do
  • Where to get tool bits and materials*

*Once members have completed the orientation they will need to have their own tool bits to use this machine. Sources of the bits will be discussed in the orientation including purchasing them from Make717.

To register you must be a member in good standing or a STEMPass holder. During the class each person will complete a carving. As these carvings can take 15 minutes class size is limited. If you are using a family membership and want to have two people, you will need to register two people. Once you are properly registered you will be sent additional information including prerequisites to be completed prior to arriving at the orientation. Please no walk-ons. Class size is strictly limited due to time, and equipment availability.

This session will be taught by Mike Ireland and Bob Murphy.

Primetime hours for maker members
Mon - Fri: 5pm to 9pm
Saturday: 10am to 9pm
Sunday: 10am to 5pm

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Mailing Address: 848 E Main St, Suite 800 #1213, Ephrata, PA 17522
Makerspace Address:  1151 Clark Street, Lancaster, PA 17602
(717) 537-1067 info@make717.org

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