Attention all 3D printer users. make717 is establishing a 3D Printing User Group. All that have interest in 3D printing are welcome to attend.
make717 is establishing User Groups within the different technical areas we currently have, and areas we may want in the near future. We are reaching out to current members to join in the User Groups for the areas they have interest.
The primary purposes of the User Group is to foster interaction between members with similar interests and to ensure the voice of equipment users are integral to the future direction of the particular areas. With User Groups, we anticipate the creation of a larger, stronger pools of knowledge and experience with the ancillary benefits of greater member interaction and more depth in our overall capabilities. The User Groups are open to all no matter what their experience level might be.
We will kick things off with our largest User Group - 3D Printing. Join us on Saturday September 29th at 10:30 at make717 for a kick off meeting.
If you any questions, please email or for more information.